Oh goodie... January is here and the time has come for resolutions, goals, and plans. I truly enjoy hearing people talk about all the things they plan to do in the upcoming year. I honestly hope they achieve their goals. I just don't think they will. The gym will be packed in January and empty in February, nicotine patch sales will spike and then drop, and houses will be cleaned and quickly return to their state of disorder.
On the other hand, because I don't use January as my arbitrary life goal reset date I tend to feel a little left out. So... This year I've found a way to be a part of the group without having to lie to myself about what I will do in the upcoming year. I have come up with my list of things I would like to do in 2008 but resolve not to do.
Wear a bluetooth ear piece. I just don't need that kind of communication access and I'd rather spend the money on something else.
Run a marathon. It would be cool to tell people I did it but in all honesty, I'd prefer to spend my time giving a half ass effort to a variety of hobbies rather than focus all that attention on one.
Read a specified number of books. Once I resolved to finish a list of books before the year's end. I ended up reading 2 or 3 books that really sucked because I felt guilty for putting them down.
Tell some people how I feel about them. I'd like to let a certain snob know what a cow I think she is, a certain jerk know how much I'd like to beat him senseless, and a virtual army of kids with their pants half way down their butts know how stupid they look, but I probably wont. They would probably ignore me and honestly I'd like to think I don't care enough to waste the effort.
Go on a fad diet. I'd like to reduce the waist to inseam ratio but I resolve not to do it in 21 days, 6 weeks, or with just 1 meeting per week. I resolve not to say to anyone that I am on a plan, diet, or program which can be found at Barnes and Noble in the best seller section.
Organize/re-organize my life. It's not that my life runs with the precision of a swiss watch, I just refuse to spend more time planning, organizing, sharpening the saw, or maximizing than living. I'll work on doing some things better but I will not buy, program, or subscribe to anything to force myself to do so.
Limit television time to a specified number of hours. I'll try to avoid television. I think having a new baby should give me some distraction. But I refuse to hold a stop watch every time I sit down to a new episode of "The Office."
Be depressed if I fail on any of these. Particularly the one about telling people how I feel. I am not a perfect person. I might become obsessed with weight, enamored with running, or pissed off enough to actually abandon self control and speak my mind.
Continue writing lists that don't really matter... If I feel like blogging something I will but I don't think I should spend my time trying to brainstorm so I'll have something to post on the internet.