Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I Like Hitting People... Is that wrong?

Just in case having a newborn around wasn't sufficient to keep me from sleeping and getting school work done, now I'm pretty sure I'm getting the cruddy cold/virus thing that has been going around.

The first (and most important) reason this sucks is because I'm going to have to limit my contact with Evan. I'm going to feel like crap if I get him sick. Every time I hold him I get this terrible feeling I'm going to infect him and send him to the hospital to sleep in an oxygen tent. But that wasn't the point of this post...

The 2nd most important (but also very important) reason why this pisses me off is because I'm afraid I'll be too sick to go to my fight class on Friday. Sure, I could be worried about things like upper division writing projects, research pathfinders, or the clerkship interview I have coming up, but apparently the thing I am most eager to do this week is punch people in the face.

Fortunately, I recognize that my priorities are out of order and I have spent some time thinking about this.

One or both of the following statements could be true.

1- Mark is distracting himself with krav maga and full contact sparring because he doesn't want to face the fact that he has some serious, life changing stuff coming up.

2- Mark actually loves punching, hitting, and kicking people.



RJ said...

No, not wrong to hit people, but I think you must like getting hit a little too, otherwise, no Krav, and no preferred religion.

Anonymous said...

Hey Andrea.... let's go play Karate on the Trampoline. I'll wear my bear claw slippers, so then it won't hurt when I kick you! Need I say more?