Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Cindy Sheehan

I have to be honest. I never really payed much attention to what Cindy Sheehan had to say. I know her son died in Iraq and I know she protested the war but other than that I never took the time to listen. As a result, I can not say whether I agree or disagree with her on any given point.

The one thing I do remember is the hatred that seemed to surround every discussion of her politics. I remember thinking that her sitting around GWB's ranch was kind of dumb. I also remember that it inspired an on air David Letterman vs. Bill O'Reilly spat.

So basically... I just had her written off as another voice in the crowd. I didn't give her arguments any more weight because she had a son who died, I didn't really think she was a pawn of the left.

Despite my total lack of background I still find this letter amusing. On Memorial day of this year she decided to step out of the ring. Apparently she has had enough of the spotlight. And who can blame her? The far right hated her and called her a tool of the left, the left loved her and called her one of their own. When her message remained constant causing her to criticize both republicans and democrats the left threw her under the bus.

Ah politics... What a mistress... Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned but Washington has something for her...


Anonymous said...
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Mark said...

Just an FYI for those who may actually care... The above post was deleted by me because it was just some dude spamming for traffic to his web page... How they do that I have no idea